When I was 10 my family’s beloved dog Jingles ran off one summer day. My [...]
I dread the coming of Sunday, March 12. At 2 a.m. that morning our clocks [...]
This fun and silly feature answers questions about why our pets do what they do! [...]
It was late December of 2020. Covid cabin fever was hitting me hard. As a [...]
Thurber, my yellow Labrador, has been a part of my life since Feb. 20, 2021. [...]
Coffee. I needed coffee. And sleep. And food. That’s the experience I had for weeks [...]
My 23-month-old Labrador, Thurber, makes me laugh out loud at least five times every day. [...]
I’ve always loved dogs who talk in TV shows and movies. I’ve also always loved [...]
Coffee. I needed coffee. And sleep. And food. The week after I picked up my [...]
I love Halloween and all the fun and the silliness it entails. However, as a [...]
Looking for a gift for a friend or family member who has a new puppy [...]
Puppies need play time to develop their bodies and their minds — and play time [...]
Puppies, like humans, are born without teeth, and the teething process may be a little [...]